Field trips with HD Forest

Forest investments come with a low risk and a stable return. Join one of HD Forest’s field trips to gain insights into Baltic forest investments.

Investing in Baltic forests can serve as a secure base in your investment portfolio, as it comes with a low risk combined with a stable return rate of around 5-6 % (IRR).

So what are the obstacles? First of all, you need to own a certain amount of forest, before it is profitable. At HD Forest we set the entry limit at 1,000,000 euros. Next, you may not know much about investing in forestry, or how the forest industry more specifically works in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

HD Forest is a part of Hedeselskabet, that has been working in the Danish forest industry for more than 150 years. At HD Forest we have 25 years of experience investing in Baltic forests, and we are happy to share some of our knowledge with you.

Twice a year we therefore conduct a two-day field trip, where potential investors can gain insights into the investment climate of the Baltic forest industry.

Gode grunde til at samarbejde med HedeDanmark

Why should I go on a field trip with HD Forest?

The short answer is that you will experience the well-organised Baltic forest industry with your own eyes – and realise, why it can be a good investment opportunity.

The field trip consists of visits to forest properties, where we examine the forests with the local forester, and we might see a harvester in action. Here you will gain insight into the semi-natural forests of the Baltics, which species we manage and how the timber prices are evolving. This way you will understand how a lot of your investment will be returned by the biological growth of the trees – later sold as timber products.

We will also show you the local wood working industry, where most of the timber from the Baltic forests is sold. Here the timber is processed into different kinds of products such as veneer for furniture or rafters for construction purposes. The demand for these products is rising, as we are shifting to a biobased society. Visiting the timber industry will thus help you understand the value of a forest investment in the Baltics, where the price of a hectare of forest is considerably lower than is the case in Northern Europe.

During the trip, we will also elaborate on the establishing process, buying process, and exit possibilities. You will have plenty of opportunities to ask questions about forestry and the Baltics in general.

Field trip to Lithuania in September

The next scheduled field trip goes to Lithuania on 3-4 September 2024.

We will visit forest properties and the supporting woodworking industry during our two-day field trip.

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Case: The investment adviser invested in forest

For more inspiration about forest investments in the Baltics, read the article about the investment adviser, who has invested through HD Forest for more than 20 years, and find out, why he thinks Baltic forest is a good investment to have in your portfolio.

Case: Forest will make Danish manufacturer climate neutral

More and more companies are interested in investing in and establishing forests in the Baltic States – due to the positive climate effect, but also due to the stable financial return. The ingredient manufacturer Palsgaard will succeed in becoming climate neutral by planting new forest in the area.


Field trip of your own choice

You can also request a field trip of your own choice – regarding both date and destination within the three Baltic countries.

Feel free to contact us at any time of the year.

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Why settle for information found on the web, when you can join us and visit the great forests of the Baltics?

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